Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

:( 19:45/240811

malam ini.. entah kenapa gue merasa.. sepi. ya, gue merasa sepiiii banget. hidup gue begitu sepi. ga pernah ada sesuatu yang wah yang ngebuat gue ngerasa, OH INI TOH YANG NAMANYA HIDUP? GILA AJAIB! dan ternyata emang bener2 ajaib. dengan cepat gue merasa bahagia, dengan cepat pula gue merasa pengen mati. pernah ga sih ngrasain feel macem gini? sumpah ini tu ga enak banget. suatu waktu gue merindukan sosok seseorang yang bisa selalu ada buat gue. yang selalu bisa menyayangi gue. yang bisa membuat gue tertawa. yang bisa membuat gue jadi wanita paling bahagia di dunia. yang bisa berdiri sekarang di samping gue. ngasi semua apa yang gue butuhkan sebagai seorang cewek. kayak sekarang ini, gue bingung mau cerita ke siapa. mau ngomong ke siapa. mau curhat ke siapa. mau bersandar ke siapa :'( sedih.. sumpah sedih banget loh! pernah ga sih lo ngerasain hal yang ga enak kayak gini?
rasanya tu udah pengen nyebur aja ke laut. tapi, suatu waktu gue ga butuh sosok seperti itu. gue hanya butuh pengertian sedikit aja :'( disaat gue suka sama seseorang, gue selalu sakit hati ujung2nya. entah itu dia jadian sama cewek lain, atau malah berujung brantem karna salah paham, bertepuk sebelah tangan, cuman dikasi harapan kosong, ga di tanggepin, cuman di buat mainan. semua itu udah pernah gue alamin dan semuanya ga kurang dari sekali.
oke, dan malam ini gue bener2 butuh sosok pengertian itu tadi! gue butuh gue butuh gue butuh!!! :"(
mau sekuat apapun gue nekanin bahwa gue ga butuh, perasaan butuh itu akan selalu muncul muncul dan muncul. tapi sayangnya, gue belom siap :(
gue cuman mau membagi sedikit aja rasa sayang gue ini buat orang yang paling gue sayang dari satu tahun yang lalu. tapi sampai sekarang orang itu ga pernah nyadar atau pura2 ga nyadar bahwa gue itu butuh dia :'O gue butuh seseorang kayak dia! tapi dia ga mau peduliiiiiiii :(:(:(
selama setahun gue pendem rasa ini terus, gue tahan gue tahan gue tahan dan gue berhasil. gue ga berani ngomong :( gue takuuuut!!! >_< dari yang mulai suka karna liat dia main gitar, dari cara dia ngliat orang, dari cara dia senyum, dari cara dia jalan, dari cara dia benerin rambut sampai akhirnya gue jadi sayang sama dia. ternyata penantian gue itu lamaaaa~
dan sampai sekarang, perasaan itu masih ada. bersih. ga berkurang satu persen pun ;(
gue cuman ngerasa kesepian aja. kenapa hidup gue harus sesepi ini...

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

follow follow follow :3






miss you like crazy-natalie cole

Even though it's been so long
My love for you keeps going strong
I remember the things that we used to do
A kiss in the rain 'til the sun shine through
I try to deny it but I'm still in love with you
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
Ever since you went away, every hour of every day
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
No matter what I say or do
There's just no getting over you
I can see the love shining in your eyes
And it comes as such a sweet surprise
If seeing's believing it's worth the wait
So hold me and tell me it's not too late
We're so good together, we're starting forever now
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
Ever since you went away, every hour of every day
I miss you like crazy, I miss you baby
A love like ours will never end,
Just touch me and we're there again
Just one night
And we'll have that magic feeling like we used to do
Hold on tight
And whatever comes our way we're gonna make it through
If seeing's believing it's worth the wait
So hold me and tell me it's not too late
We're so good together, we're starting forever now
And I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
No matter what I say or do
There's just no getting over you
And I miss you, baby, I miss you, baby
All the chance of love you gave me
When a feeling get's this strong
You know the real thing comes along
And I miss you I miss you like crazy baby
Only your sweet love can save me
I miss you like crazy
A love like ours will never end
Just touch me and we're there again
Miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy.

like or not? i don't care! this is my opinian

oke. gue mau bicara satu hal tentang sebuah kelompok yang ada di sekolah gue. emm.. disini gue gamau nyebut merk ya haha. gue cuman mau cerita dan curhat aja (boleh dong?) sebut aja geng 666. uwii angka setan. gak papa wkwk :P
menurut kacamata gue, geng ini enggak sehat. kenapa? karna semua hal yang gue denger dari orang2 tentang 666 ini ga ada yg positif sama sekali. contoh: ngrokok, minum, bluefilm, ngobat, etc. trussss mereka itu ilegal sobat. jelas2 di buku tatib itu dilarang membuat komunitas diluar sekolah. tapi mereka tetap melakukannya. OYAAA, ada hal penting lagi. mereka itu egois. mereka pernah bilang bahwa ga ada persahabatan yang bisa sebaik mereka. what're you thinking about that? pasti lo ngerasa iyuuuuhhh tau apa lo tentang org lain~ karna gue sendiri aja enek ngedengernya -_-
seakan akan hanya merekalah pertemanan yg paling SEMPURNA di dunia! apa mereka tau pertemanan diluar sana tu kayak gimana?
well, gue dan temen2 gue emang ga suka sm mereka. tapi kita biasa aja kok. ya ada rasa ga suka wajar dong? apalagi salah satu dr temen kita ada yg pernah bermasalah sm anak 666 itu. daannnn gue sendiri pernah sakit hati gara2 salah satu cowok di geng itu :( kalo masalah yg ini ga usah di bahas. kayak taii hahaha :D
oyah informasi lagi, menurut berita yg gue denger. tiap sebulan sekali apa seminggu brapa kali gue lupa. mereka ngadain sebuah kebaktian. jadi selama 35hari mereka berbuat dosa trus setelah itu pas kebaktian mereka nglakuin suatu pertobatan. ngeeek?? --a
apa ga sama aja boong ya kalo kayak gitu? lu mending jadi orang jahat aja seumur hidup daripada stengah2 kayak gitu. percuma ga bakalan di ampunin juga sama Tuhan. di denger ajaaaa stengah2 kali wkwk :P
laluu, ini juga menurut berita yg gue denger nih.. mereka setiap seminggu sekali (kalo ga salah) nonton bluefilm di salah satu rumah dr anggota 666 tersebut. fine, itu privasi mereka sih.
dan mereka sok asik -__-
entah apa, pribadi gue anti sm mereka. bukan benciii, cuman ga srek aja. tapi gue berusaha biasa kok. lebih tepatnya berusaha netral wkwk :P

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

What do you think about this? if I was the same as when I was a child? hahaha very funny

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

plans are disgusting at the same time encouraging WALAAAA ;D

me and they have a plan that you might think is very bad. but this guy must feel. because what? he has been playing a woman like us. until finally we have a fight. we do not want to be goaded by a like him! therefore we want to make a revenge that is enough to make us get a sin: ') but that's okay. provided we are satisfied, all the things we would do to reply to such immoral behavior.
what you support us? must!
because he was not to be pitied, because he was unfeeling when treating a woman. That's why: D

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

ada band - misteri

Kau misteri yang mainkan rasa
Pertama ku melihat kau melangkah di depan mata
Tersenyum memandangku tak sadar jantung berdebar
Ada yang berbeda dari sikapmu yang tenang
Menggoda batinku ingin lebih mengenalmu
Kau misteri yang mainkan rasa
Hingga ku hanyut
Menyeretku ke sebuah cinta
Yang penuh keindahan
Malam semakin larut sinar bulan kian meredup
Ku menunggu hadirmu datang menjemput mimpi
Jangan pernah pergi gelisah jiwa tak menentu
Lelah ku tanpamu beku dalam kesendirian
Back to Reff: 2x
Ada yang berbeda dari sikapmu yang tenang
Menggoda batinku ingin lebih mengenalmu
Back to Reff:
Kau misteri yang mainkan rasa
Menyeretku ke sebuah cinta
Yang penuh keindahan

sejak kapan??

harry potter (Deathly Hallows part 2)

satu hal yang musti gue kasitau disini. gue ga nyesel sama sekali nonton ni film asli. karna apa? ni film seeru, keren, bagus banget efeknya. bagusan sih kalo lo nonton 3D nya. bener2 PERFECT pokoknya! ge nyesel gue antri di xxi sms dari jam 8 pagi gue udah nyampe, antri di depan bioskop yg masih tutup dari jam 11 siang sm best friend gila gue metta. sumpah itu perjuangan paling parah! gue ga pernah antri film sampe kayak gitu. bener2 pengalaman kemaren tuuuu melelahkan tapi di bayar dengan kepuasan yang amat teramat sangat!!!! harry potter keren mampusss!!!! yang belom nonton RUGI lu semua! jangan mau beli bajakannya trus nonton di laptop ga bakalan kerasa gregetnya! hhehehe :P gue sekalian promosi aja ni ya wkwk :) yahhh brarti ini harpot udah ga ada kelanjutannya lagi dong ya? huaaa penonton kecewa :'( semoga ada lanjutannya, anaknya harpot yang super ganteng itu hahaha hahaha hahaha :D maju terus deh perfilman hollywood yea!
eehh ganteng ga ganteng ga? hahaha :P gue nemu ni di fb ckck ga kenal sih tapi mirip. emmm mirip seseorang yang gue cinta banget! namanya? mau tau? gausah lah yaaaa ntar lu pada naksir lagi wkwk :D

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

dream without you

Last night, you said you love me
Last night, you said you needed me
When I woke up, I never saw your face
When I woke up, you never left a trace
And if there's nothing I can say or do
I'll sing this song, I wanna sing to you
I don't wanna dream if my dream is without you
I don't wanna sleep if my dream will only be blue
I don't wanna hear the words, I don't wanna feel your touch
All I know is that you hurt me so much
You said that we would stay together
I thought that we would be forever
I never thought we'd ever part
But now I have a broken heart
I wonder why I never understand
But I understood when I saw you then
Boy, it's been three years since we part
And all those years I never had a change of heart
I'm not asking you back, I just need a friend

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

sahabat yang selalu ada dari smp sampe sekarang :"D


hei look! my hair is new :D

if you and I

Here I am, standing close to you
And it's still so far away,
So many times, I tried to say,
But my heart was afraid

Look at you is all that I can do,
Like a silly girl, I stare
'Coz you might leave me when I reveal,
What my heart is really feeling
If I could just say the words,
All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear,
Will you take me in your arms or let me go,
Our lovely days will they just fade like whispers in the wind?

If I could just say the words,
All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear, 
Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes,
This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I Love you."

Here I am, holding on to fate,
What we have may never change
'Coz you might leave me when I reveal,
My lips will seal the love I'm hiding.
 If I could just say the words,
All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear,
Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes,
This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I Love you."

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

someday ost. crazy little thing called love

I don’t know how much longer
That I have to put up with everything
I’ve been hiding all the truth inside my heart
Everytime we meet
Everytime you turn face to me
Though I look indifferent
Do you know how much i have to force myself?

Can you hear my heart calling for you, loving you?
But I can’t open my heart for anyone to know
Can you hear it?
My heart keeps waiting there for you
Waiting for you open it
and hope you will realize..

Though I love you
Though I feel
but deep down inside, I don’t dare to tell you
Everytime we meet
Everytime you turn face to me
Though I look indifferent
Do you know how much i have to force myself?

Can you hear my heart calling for you, loving you?
But I can’t open my heart for anyone to know
Can you hear it?
My heart keeps waiting there for you
Waiting for you open it
and hope you will realize..

Can you hear my heart calling for you, loving you?
But I can’t open my heart for anyone to know
Can you hear it?
My heart keeps waiting there for you
Waiting for you open it
And I hope you will realize
That this person loves you
Please I hope you will know

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

sebagian foto liburanku ^_^


HAH bencana apalagi yang mendera hidup gue? gue ga kenal elo ya. terserah gue ga peduli lu anak temen nyokap gue yang udah meninggal ato bukan. ini urusanya gue liat individunya elo. lo tau ga sih, lo tu ngganggu! ganggu hari2 gue! lo siapa gue ga peduli. lo mau kenal gue, inget gue dulu waktu gue sd pernah di bawa nyokap gue ke rumah lo, itu semua gue ga inget dan gue ga tau apa2. please lo jangan campurin kehidupan gue. gue pusing.

oke pertama gue emang ga masalah waktu nyokap gue nyeritain lo. gue pikir lo cuman pengen kenal sm nyokap gue karna nyokap gue sahabat bokap lo. titik. tapi setelah itu gue mulai ga suka karna lo punya maksud tertentu deketin nyokap gue. untuk cari tau tentang gue.

awalnya gue udah ga suka tuh waktu nyokap gue chat2an sm lo dan nyokap gue ceritain tentang gue. tapi gue biarin dulu karna gue pikir cuman sampe situ aja. gue ga abis pikir ternyata lo menjurus ke yang lebih dalam dari apa yang gue bayangin. kalo cuman minta nama fb it's ok that is no problem. tapi kalo udah minta nomer hp dan lain lain. lo bilang lo mau kenal gue lebih dalam, mau ngajak gue jalan2, tiap hari tiap menit sms gue. tiap gue online lu pasti nge chat. apa apaan lo?! itu udah ngusik kegiatan gue tau ga!

feeling gue udah ga bener tau kayak gitu. lo pengganggu tauga. dan gue udah bisa ngebayangin gimana jadinya kalo gue tetep nanggepin semua sms dan chat lo yang ga penting itu. semuanya basa basi! dan lo SOK TAU tentang gue. itu yang palin gue ga suka. bukan gini caranya berteman. gue mencium niatan2 ga baik disini. lo sengaja kan deketin nyokap gue trus lu tanya2 tentang gue dan finally lo bisa gitu aja dapetin gue?

sori, gue ga berminat sm lo. tiap hari gue ladenin sms lo, pake jawaban sesingkat mungkin. gue pikir lo bakal jengah ilfeel jijik dan kawan2nya, setelah menjauh dari gue. tapi ternyata, malah enggak. lo makin gencar sms gue, tanya2 tentang gue. bahkan lu nyuruh nyokap gue buat beliin gue pulsa hanya untuk bisa smsan sm lo? woi lu pikir lu tu siapa jing! gue ga suka tipe cowok kayak lo!

dan gue yakin 1000 persen, pasti nyokap gue ga bakalan suka kok kalo ujung2nya lu kayak gitu. nyokap gue, ga segampang itu ngasi gue ke orang yang ga bener2 srek buat dia. hh lo salah milih orang. lo salah pilih keluarga.

simpen dan kasih aja ke orang lain, angan2 lo itu buat ngajak gue jalan2 dan sebagainya. gue sama sekali ga berminat. dan maaf gue ngomong kasar tadi samal lo. karna gue ga suka di brisikin kayak gini. gue jengah. gue mau lu tu biasa biasa aja. gausah offer kayak gini. berteman ya berteman aja, tapi ga kayak gini caranya. gue ga suka. dan bahasa lo juga nyantai aja gausa lebay kayak gitu. sekian.
etseeeh ganteng ga ganteng ga? ganteng dong, cowok gue..... OOPS! mungkin entar kalo gue udah jadi konglomerat jadi bisa oprasi plastik biar jadi cantik huahaha. sedih amat kayaknya.ini jirayu laongmanee pemeran utama di suck seed. yaaa sebenernya gue sendiri belom sempet nonton film nya. udah keburu abis T_T cuman bisa liat trailernya di youtube. sedih sedih sedih. gue jadi semakin yakin sekarang kalo cowok cowok thailand itu, ga kalah cakepnya sama cowok cowok hollywood macem taylor lautner. stuju ga stuju ga? stuju dong harussss ^___^ emangg kenyataan ni cowok cakep bangeeeeeeeeeeet ampun ampun. tapi umurnya masih 15 tahun yang bener aja cowok setampan dan sedewasa ini masih 15 tahun? gak apa apa, beda 1 tahun doang kok sm gue cieee mihihi :* masih bisa kok masih bisa hahaha.

ganteng ganteng ganteng hei ganteng kamu ganteng sekaliiiiiiii <3 tak kuat tak kuat!!!! 11 12 sama mario maurer ahahaha :P

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

sicillia stephani talensia

you're still the one

When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love.

Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night


who says

Wouldn't wanna be anybody else, hey
You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn't good enough.
But who are you to judge,
When you're a diamond in the rough
I'm sure you got somethings,
You'd like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me,
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else

La na na na na na na na na na na na na
La na na na na na na na na na na na na

I'm no beauty queen,
I'm just beautiful me.

La na na na na na na na na na na na na
La na na na na na na na na na na na na

You've got every right,
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,
Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,
Who says.

It's such a funny thing,
How nothings funny when it's you.
You tell me whatcha you mean,
But then keep whiting out the truth.
It's like a work of art,
That never gets to see the light.
Keep you beneath the stars,
Won't let you touch the sky.

La na na na na na na na na na na na na
La na na na na na na na na na na na na
I'm no beauty queen,
I'm just beautiful me.

La na na na na na na na na na na na na
La na na na na na na na na na na na na

You've got every right,
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,
Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,
Who says.

Who says you're not star potential,
Who says you're not presidential,
Who says you can't be in movies,
Listen to me, listen to me,
Who says you don't past the test,
Who says you can't be the best.
Who said,
Who said,
Would you tell me who said that,
Who said?

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,
Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,
Who says.

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,
Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,
Who says.

I don't remember

I don't know where i live
don't know what i'm doing over here
I can't remember all this street
Just Walking my way and
i'm asking to the people all arround
they pay no heed to me at all

Suddenly after view minutes
i hear a whisper in my ears
it says : "find me and you know what you've been through,
I'm a white black beagle with a brown pelt on my left eye"..

I just can say i don't remember
oh i lost my mind and i just can say i don't remember

i've finally found you dog but you're running down to the road
i'm stealing a bike i'm chasing you up
cause you are the answers of my questions
oh i'm really tired, i can't move anymore
but the dog stops.. in the end of the street

The dog is right i've got my memories back
cause i see my bode lays over there
i'm a dead man walking i meet my destiny
i saved the dog and let my soul free

the truck came when the dog was on the street

i was trying to get him and it's not too late.. but yeaah
i know i was there.. and then i'm here...

konser Endah n' Rhesa

jumat, 17 juni 2011. jam 19.00-00.00 gue sm temen gue natalia nonton konsernya Endah n' Rhesa di gedung rimba graha semarang. konsernya kerreeeeeeeeen banget!!! >_<" ga nyesel gue pegel2 disana sampe ngantuk2. tapiiiii pas endah nyanyiin when you love someone ............................. ohmygodness gue langsung MELEK. suaranya endah bagusssss banget! bening coy bening. trus gokilnya endah itu bisa suara apa aja. seriosa, suara hewan, suara anak kecil, suara jazz, semuanya! sumpah ini musik jazz yang paling FUNNY yang pernah gue denger. trus rhesa nya stagaaaaah nyentrik banget! dia tinggiiiiii nya naujubilah! rambutnya ga kuaaat ><" hahahaha :P pengen nonton konsernya mereka lagi *__* harus download semua lagunya! hahaha